There have been numerous reports of solicitors visiting our neighborhood lately. Some are legitimate, others either not legitimate or at least suspicious. The following information is intended to help you deal with such encounters.
Chapter 5.20 of the Ferndale Municipal Code, which addresses Peddlers and Solicitors, states that it is unlawful for any peddler or solicitor to engage in door to door activities without first applying for a license from the city. Individuals desiring a license must fill out an application at City Hall, as well as pay for the application, fingerprinting, and background check. These might take as long as 30 days to finalize. It should be noted that the licenses are an individual responsibility. They are not acquired by businesses or organizations for their members. The licenses (essentially permits), when acquired by individuals, must be displayed on their person in plain view. “My employer has the license” is an invalid and untrue response to an inquiry about a license. Solicitors must honor any “No Solicitors” signs.
The City of Ferndale recommends that you call 911 to report suspected violators of this code, and substantiated violation may result in fines. The following individuals and groups are exempted by the City of Ferndale from these licensing requirements: non-profit, charitable or religious organizations, farmers or gardeners selling farm produce, veterans selling goods, candidates for political offices, campaign workers, and Census Bureau workers.
For more information, visit the following City of Ferndale web site:!/Ferndale05/Ferndale0520.html#5.20.090