Disposing of live Christmas trees can create a quandary. Fortunately, here in Ferndale there is more than 1 option.
One popular option only requires placing the tree at the curb by 8am on Saturday, January 2nd, where it will be picked up by Ferndale Cub Scout Pack 4026 and hauled away to be recycled into mulch. Trees disposed this way need to be bare of all decorations. Wreaths and other yard debris will not be picked up.
This is an annual community service project and offered for free in neighborhoods located west of I-5 and within Ferndale city limits. You can support the Cub Scouts’ efforts by mailing a donation using the envelope they leave behind. You are asked not to attach donations to the tree.
If that isn’t an option where you live, SSC‘s FoodPlus! subscribers can place their tree inside the SSC provided Toter® (with the lid closed) at no extra charge. If the Toter is full, place the tree out next to it and you will be charged $6 per tree up to 8′ tall.
If you are not a SSC FoodPlus! subscriber you are asked to contact SSC (360-734-3940) to schedule curbside pickup, also for $6 per tree up to 8′ tall. Pickup must be arranged in advance by calling SSC.
Trees left curbside for the Scouts or SSC to pick up should have all decorations, wires, etc. removed.