Your Board of Directors has recently initiated a project to create a set of Rules and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the R&R Document) in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Association By-Laws. The creation of an R&R document follows common practice and is a means to augment and interpret the Association CC&Rs and By-Laws in order to make them more useful and responsive to the needs of the Association. It should be noted, however, that the R&R Document cannot override either the CC&Rs, By-Laws, or any law to which the Association is subject. Any portion of the R&R Document that violates this restriction is, de facto, invalid.
Since the R&R Document will be relevant to all members of the Association, the Board of Directors seeks your assistance and input. If you have an issue with either the CC&Rs or By-Laws that you think should be included in the R&R discussion or in the Document itself, please notify us through the “Send Us a Message” portal at the bottom of the home page of our Web Site ( In your message, please identify yourself as a member of the Meadows-Ferndale HOA and include contact data such as: name, address, and lot number. This is to ensure that your input gets reported back to the correct Board by the property manager, who manages and receives correspondence from a large number of associations and properties. Your response should also include a paragraph reference number for the CC&Rs or By-Laws and a brief discussion of your issue. Your responses will be factored into the process of developing a draft R&R Document. The CC&Rs and By-Laws can be found under the DOCUMENTS tab of the Association Web Site. The Rules and Regulations option on that page is a place-holder, awaiting the product of this project.
Upon completion of the draft R&R Document by the Board of Directors, it will be distributed to all Association members for review. Subsequent to a homeowner review period of at least 30 days, the Board will meet to consider the comments of Association members and will vote on an adoption motion. The homeowner review period for this project is the month of August 2019. Following the end of the review period, the Board will convene an open meeting to discuss the inputs and vote on adoption of the R&R Document. This is expected to be completed by the end of September 2019.
To be clear on the process, please note that pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW Section 64.90) and the Meadows By-Laws (Section 6.2), Association members (homeowners) can provide input and comments, but only the Board members can actually vote on adoption of the R&R Document. This process also applies to amending (adding, deleting, or otherwise modifying) the R&R Document at any later time.
Your Board of Directors looks forward to receiving your inputs.