There have been several recent incidents of improper management of pets. A memorandum on this topic can be accessed HERE.
Category: CC&Rs, By Laws, & Rules
A Reminder about Rules and Regulations
A message from your Board of Directors. Click to open. 200420.2–Web Notice
Unrestrained Pets in Neighborhood
200217 Cat Notice
Rules & Regulations: Member Review
The Meadows-Ferndale has developed a set of Rules and Regulations (Rules) to clarify and amplify the existing CC&Rs and By-Laws. It is being distributed to all members for review. Further explanation and review instructions can be found at the following link: Draft Rules for Member Review
Rules and Regulations Project (Update)
A news item posted to this web site on July 11, 2019 described the HOA “Rules and Regulations Project” that will develop a set of Rules and Regulations for the HOA to clarify and amplify (where necessary) the community CC&Rs and By-Laws. That posting specified that the input from homeowners would take place during the… Read more »
Community Rules and Regulations
Your Board of Directors has recently initiated a project to create a set of Rules and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the R&R Document) in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Association By-Laws. The creation of an R&R document follows common practice and is a means to augment and interpret the Association… Read more »